For anyone who has ever seen "Everybody Loves Raymond" you can appreciate a birthday minute kiss. And we were lucky to have 2 of them! 11:09 and 11:10 on this day of last year we added 2 of the cutest and sweetest little girls to our family.
Lauren, the older sister, is just so cuddly and sweet. She would sleep until noon if Brooklyn didn't wake her, and the entire rest of the house up. She LOVES her binky and cannot sleep without it. She is a mama's girl for sure and is starting to be a great little walker!
Brooklyn, the baby of the family, is extremely easy going and independent. She is very good at playing by herself and getting whatever toy it is she wants.....mostly those that her sisters have. She is such a good smiler and lays right down in her crib for bedtime and naps without making a sound.
(Lauren is on the left and Brooklyn on the right for all of these pics)