Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Remarkable Year's Celebration!

We made it one year! Lauren and Brooklyn turned 1 on January 25th. Clearly I am late in posting this, but after planning and completing this party, I was wiped out! Most mom's of multiples I talk to give the advice to "just make through the first year." I think I would have to agree. Since the beginning of this new year I have felt a new sense of "relief" I guess. With the babies becoming more independent their busy-ness has changed directions and even though it is not necessarily easier, I would definitely say that the change is welcomed!

Lu, our sweet, cuddly, walking cutie is just so cute and sensitive. She might have to start defending herself and her binky one of these days from the wrath of Brookie!
Brooklyn is remarkably independent and easy going. She owns the house and just goes as she pleases. She LOVES to tease her sisters! Especially Katie because she screams the loudest. :)

So fitting, right?
Here is the party invitation, designed and created by none other than the remarkable Holly. Isn't it just adorable? THANK YOU HOLLY!

And the theme?........CUPCAKES!

We enjoyed plenty of food and I ended up running out of time to make everything I had planned on. I always think lots of food equals lots of fun.

The cupcakes were a hit! Not only were they so pretty and perfect but they were completely yummy. A HUGE THANK YOU to our good friend Kathy!

Here are the party hats and the cake-taster chairs. The hats were hysterically cute! Our fabulous friend Christine supplied these. Just looking at the hats in the bag made me hyperventilate! So cute! Of course, a BIG THANK YOU to Christine! (Man it pays to have great friends!)

Lauren is not quite sure about this thing she has to wear.

Brooklyn is going to wait til we aren't looking and then take it off!


MAYBE WE WILL TRY IT ANYWAY...just for a pictures sake.

FINE....I kind of liked it!

Even older sister loves cupcakes!

This plate was signed by each of the guests. Nana and Papa got this for them and we are so excited to have the finished product back soon after it goes through the kiln. I have gotten a lot of hype though about how I am going to split this for them when they are older!

The girls really enjoyed all the tissue paper wrapped presents. Peek-a-boo Lauren!

And now sister joined in too!

This was made for their pink/brown room. How perfect!

We are just so grateful that we were given these 2 healthy and happy little cupcakes. Thank you to everyone who helped make this birthday such a fun and special one!

Happy Birthday Lauren & Brooklyn


The Tait Family said...

So cute! Wish we could have been there to celebrate with those cute girlies!!

Megan said...

I would have to agree with that saying....two to KISS, hug, and love!
Miss you guys too and LOVES from Vale!

Josh and Emily said...

Oh my gosh I am in girl heaven! I don't think I have ever seen such a cute party. Congrats on the birthday success. I always do a huge party for the first year too. It is fun to plan. Your girls are absolutely beautiful!

Holly said...

Wow- what a fabulous party! I love it! It sounds like your friends are just as talented as you are! Happy Birthday B and L!

Laki Girl said...

Love, love, love birthdays! Happy Birthday Brookie, Lu and Mommy Chan (it's always mom's birthday too!)
PS. the plate is for Mom to keep anyway :)

Mike and Kelli said...

Beautiful! We did a huge 1st birthday party for Gracie so I am feeling the pressure for Molly...dang what have I started? I love the cupcake theme. And pink and brown are just gorgeous. I am doing Molly's baby book in pink and brown. We are going to visit my parents on their mission over Molly's first birthday so it will be a special birthday for sure. Thanks for posting all the wonderful pictures! I sure wish we lived closer so our girls could play together!
Love, Kelli

woolffamilyfun said...

Hello Duncan Family,

I love the birthday update and just want to say what a darling family you have. I cannot believe that the girls are already one but boy time flies when you are having fun. We love you guys and love to read your blog.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe it has been a year! And I also can't believe how bad I have been at keeping in touch. We think about you guys a ton and miss you so much!!!!! Hope to see you soon. ~Jeffi