We recently enjoyed a visit from Grandpa Fitzgerald who came to see us from Colorado. We always enjoy his visits! We started out with some great mexican food. We have not taken the babies out to eat in quite some time and I realized how much they've grown as it was a great dinner and they were "fairly" cooperative! They LOVED the chips and salsa.
Get a chip......
and dip!
The girls were so anxious for Grandpa to get here. We had a few minutes to wait so I convinced them to take ANOTHER picture for me while we waited for the boys.
(Brooklyn, Katie, Lauren)
Then we were off to the church for cleaning duty.
Which somehow turned into driving lessons and cookies in the parking lot?
Sunday was church and home to grill. Lauren and Brooklyn have a long hard day on Sundays. We don't have church until 1:00 p.m. and don't get home until about 4:30. That makes for no nap and 2 crabby's! They both fell dead asleep in their high chairs at 5:00 while eating dinner. We actually caught them drifitng off and I was able to get some "head bobbing" on video.
Our tired Lu
Look at that sweet little Brookie!
Ha Ha! This is one of my favorite pictures of Lauren. She makes so many funny facial expressions. Her teachers at preschool commented on it right away. You can always tell exactly how Lauren is feeling.