Monday, May 31, 2010

Atlanta with the Olsen's

Memorial Day weekend was spent with Myriam & Gary. We love these friends and hope to have many more fun outings with them. The last time they made the "Duncan blog" was in November at their wedding. They now reside in NYC and we miss seeing them as much as we used to.
We decided to tour Atlanta, which is only a little over 4 hours away from us. However, after delayed flights from overseas and NY, we finally got everyone back to the hotel around 2 a.m.! Earlier that day Chris and I dropped the girls off with some family in Suwanee. (THANK YOU Joel & Linda!...It would not have been pretty keeping them up that late. :)
We started with the Coca Cola Factory and a stroll in Centennial Olympic Park.

The tour of the Coca-Cola Factory was different from what I expected but very neat. This bear was by far our favorite part of the day. The polar bear was so life like.....and funny! It was even fun standing in line and watching him while waiting to get a picture taken.
(Gary, Myriam, Chantelle, Chris)
The ceiling and room were filled with marketing items from different time periods and from different parts of the world.

Centennial Park is a remaining legacy of the 1996 Summer Olympics held in Atlanta, Georgia. Chris was in heaven! Four years later he would compete in the trials for the 2000 Olympics!

Next we went to a Brave's game! The atmosphere was so fun, it was perfect weather with lots of cotton candy of course!

Gary, Myriam, Chantelle, Chris
At Turner Field

After the game we went and picked up the girls. The girls had a fun movie night at the hotel.
The next day we headed to the Georgia Aquarium. It is the largest aquarium in the world with over 8 million gallons of aquatic life and lots more.

Daddy & Brooklyn

Katie, Brooklyn & Mommy after we enjoyed a front row seat at the aquatic show.

Katie and one of her cute poses
Aunt "Minnie" and Lauren. Lauren OUT OF THIS WORLD loves Myriam. If Myriam is in sight, Lauren is attached at her hip! Great for me! :)
Very very sad for Lauren every time Myriam leaves. :(
Katie and Uncle Gary

Thanks Gary & Myriam for such a great weekend!

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