Friday, March 14, 2008

Katie's Art Project

One lovely Friday morning Katie woke me up as usual. We came downstairs, I got her some milk and we laid on the couch and watched the disney channel which included My Friends Tigger and Pooh, followed by Little Einsteins. However, I was so exhausted that I fell asleep. I was afraid this would happen so I put Katie on the inside of the couch and even had both my arms around her so that I would notice if she got up. I think the lack of sleep has gotten to me because I had no clue that she had crawled over me and completely stripped our blankets and pillows off the couch too! You can see what became of the next few minutes. Katie found a blue sharpie marker and colored our kitchen cabinets, wood floor, oven, dishwasher and herself! Crazy thing is that I had just barely put that sharpie in the drawer that one of the electricians had left at our house. I brought it downstairs and not even thinking, threw it in the drawer. What are the chances?


Adam, Jeffi and Charlotte Anne said...

Oh no! She is so cute though it is hard not to laugh. I hope it all gets cleaned up. I know how to get it out of fabric, but I don't know if that product should be used on cabinets and stuff. I am sure you figured something out. And I know what that lack of sleep is like. I do not miss those days. Oh well, you are still doing way better than I ever would!

Christine said...

Okay, now I know what you meant about Drew...I have pictures JUST LIKE THIS! How very proud of herself she is.